Anatomy of a Jewish Leader


Jonathan Frieden

As someone who is looking to ultimately be in a leadership role in the Jewish community, I have spent much time trying to not only pick up "tips and tricks" from mentors and people that I look up to, but to also learn from them as a person. What are their values? How do they interact with different emotions, such as doubt, grit, and empathy? How do their values and ways that they approach emotions relate to the ways that they interact with others? As I connected with mentors and learned from who they are as a person, the more I came to realize how misunderstood many of them are and how so few have even thought to relate to them on a more human level.

Over the last several months, I decided to pursue this interest and "problem". I have spent this time planning a podcast called "The Anatomy of a Jewish Leader," in which each episode would contain a meaningful conversation and interview with a different leader in the Jewish community. The goal of this podcast is to allow members of the Jewish community to connect with leaders in a real way, learn from their values, and how those values translate to action.

Welcome to the Anatomy of a Jewish Leader.