Anatomy of a Jewish Leader
Anatomy of a Jewish Leader
Jonathan Schwab
Jonathan Schwab is my personal mentor and the person that I look up to as a leader in my life. He was the Director of Housing at Yeshiva University, where he trained over 100 RAs to be future leaders in the Jewish world, is an advocate about infertility in the orthodox Jewish world, and is currently doing his doctoral research on the religious experience of Jewish students in faith-based universities. Mr. Schwab sits down to discuss his transition from an award-winning scientist and MIT recruit to a YU English major, the difference between “resume leadership” and “real leadership”, and what he learned about leadership from being a Presidential Fellow. He speaks about his experiences going through infertility, what he tried to teach Resident Advisors about leadership, and what it was like being the Director of Housing at the first university in America to have Covid. Mr. Schwab closes by talking about the necessity of self-care, his current research, and what it means to be a leader.